July 26, 2007




I read in your February blog about the difficulty you were having in getting permission to include quotes from Marc Bolan and the Sex Pistols in your book...well...I have a book coming out in August of next year. It's about Soho; the eccentrics, the waifs and strays, the customers who come into my shop (Dirty White Boy) and I wondered if you mind mind me referencing you.

I have already taken the liberty of writing a piece about you in my Myspace blog. It's all very tongue in cheek likening you to Dracula (cos' of your dress and the fact that I've only seen you at night). It's very light hearted. If you need any kind of reference to my work - I'm a friend of Paul's (The Rubbishman) - who I believe lives in your block.

Yours, in anticipation,

Clayton (email: [email protected])

P.S I am really enoying your blog


LOL. Absolutely correct. Michael Caine hit the nail on the head when he remarked that the rich peddle the lie that money can't buy happiness to stop the poor being jealous.


How much would this fuck cost?

Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney

You assert a ‘recipe for happiness was devastating good looks, a blazing talent and colossal income’ and this assumption is founded by your experiences into adulthood. This implies you have gained insight from young age or you have not evolved since childhood.

You substantiate you assumption by then stating ‘the rich think that most important thing in life is love. The poor know it is money. This is such a generalisation. Most people I have found with too much money and time on their hands are coc’ed off their tits and escape reality or know not what to do with it.

As for the poor, well dear if love is something that is not needed in life, then the fundamentals of what we deem as civilisations would not have evolved. Indeed, on the other side of the coin too of hatred and wars, where empires and nations made.

Within all of this though, love have still formulated a part, whether love of another sexually, a friend, a family member or more. Money is the root of much, but NOT all. We live in the parameters of a capitalist society and money is the new God with ridiculous commentaries of world leaders of recent invasions that they consulted ‘God!’ The only God that manifests war is political power of the planets reserves, again fiscal. To die in the name of Capitalism, not democracy, as we are too much removed from this with so-called protestations of human rights flagged, but in reality, it is money.

You celebrate that which is already heralded and such is no different to the sheep of like-minded acceptance of atrocities for financial gain and even at the cost of human life. Your persona seems an archaic of the eighties chic to epitomise stereotypical the intellectualisation with excess, both in lifestyle and offence, an emulation of characterisation of similar in history. When instead on all these, love, which you deride, is not something exclusive to those that can afford it, but something in all humanity and that crosses boundaries and forges understandings. Idealistic maybe, but I come from a poor background and take offence that my class is marginalised to aspiring to something of the upper echelons.

My dear in no way would I emulate what I have seen, but prefer to be free of spirit and mind and not with my nasal passages rotten away. Love is not merely sexual and expressed by passions through a spectrum of experience and knowledge. There is a sense of parody and on such you state and by which art, intellect and reason are lost. Maybe, the article in the Telegraph explains the reasons why?

“Sebastian Horsley has no qualms over putting it about that he was the product of a broken condom and a failed abortion” (27 September 2007, Telegraph.

Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney

I think I was somewhat harsh! Read some more entries and to be honest cried laughing.


I think you were right the first time around and such explications are borish and self indulgent.

Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney

We can all be accused of self-indulgence. Without pleasures or egocentric tendencies, albeit what gauge to the self in society, then it would be one of boredom itself and sameness. We are all prone to these foibles. Some expand more than others and hence we have the Horselys, Crisps and more of this world. I suppose a natural proclivity, but one expounded with certain individuals. It could also be construed the set social parameters we view from too, as we could with our own conditions and predispositions on how we view things overall. Admittedly, I am a Socialist, Atheist, Feminist and more and hence I will take that stance of how I equate and measure others, society and indeed life itself. On the other side of the spectrum, another would do similar, but from the opposite side of the pole dependent on their penchant. The void is the in-between-ness where reason is held and the enigma of that rationale for socio-cultural equilibrium lies still yet to be realised. But, as Candide (Voltaire) discovered El Dorado did not exist as the utopia and the human creature an habitual one with inherent evolutionary programming, as coined in the term ‘survival of the fittest’, not to restrict to the misappropriation and extremity Nazi eugenics of the arian or social order, but more expansive. Give me Cervantes Don Quijote de la Mancha any day fighting the windmills! Those dreamers are the visionaries who explore the in-between-ness on what ever realm it exists and by such address the validity of boundaries, whether temporal, spatial or otherwise in the artificial constructs of what we call modern civilisation.


Touché! Me thinks, dear sister! But, reality is the prevailing factor and the greater by populace. Is Horsley a product or a cause to the enigma your set? Such denotes a rarity, but is not it an emulation of such characters gone before? We live in our Warhol's 15 minutes of fame for the rest of our lives, something that has permeated all of society and not isolated to the Horsleys, but can be viewed by merely switching on the television and seeing normal people removed from everyday life and put into reality tv settings. A sense of the artificial prevails here by the singularity of concept only and the tangible of everyday existence nearly forgotten. If such is the case, then we may as well be the cells that feed the machine, as presented in Matrix. One that even when removed from the mechanisms of human life as an energy source, their imaginations in a realm of the unreal, the self divination still enforced by the concept of saviour. Do we deem ourselves each with the omnipotence. Indeed scientific intervention has enabled this and technology that is in everyday life now, but the truth is everyone is but the same, cut us and we will bleed equally so. Genetic code and DNA 99 plus percent the same. I read this Gaynor in your earlier text, but to apply genetic order to social order is still determined by those precepts of Capitalism and mutations themselves from the natural urges in those artificial structures of civilisation. Invariably we can not yet escape that of mortality. Something that equals us all even more so.

Gaynor Evelyn Sweeney

Everything has a purpose, otherwise it would not exist. Even that of Darwinian Theory on natural order establishes this and epitomized by Herbert Spencer's survival of the fittest. So, the dreamers are needed, from which new concepts are realised in all fields from arts and science. The Horselys, whether cause or effect, to that of Capitalism, socialite and bourgeoisie inclinations, they are very much needed in the equation of everything.

Dolores Haze

I'm thinking about coming to see you, when is best? Or shall I just surprise you? xx


one of my favorite characters throughout history and mystery surrounding this mythical character, different stages and his dark looks and whether and how he lives that fill much of interest.

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Just for today I will try to strengthen my mind. I will study. I will learn something useful. I will not be a mental loafer. I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration.

Gina Morrow

Evelyn you see, Darwin's theory has nothing to do with our purpose here. Every species has a purpose and we are one of them. Our only problem is that we realize on some degree that we are here with a purpose, and often take our best shot not to follow it.

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