This Questionnaire has just been published in Hotpress. It is entitled Mad Hatter’s Box. ****** Who would be the last person you would invite to your birthday party? Myself. To be an ideal guest, stay at home. Who would be the first person you would invite to your birthday party? HRL His Royal Lowness - Satan. Favourite saying? Act like a pig, feel like a God. Favourite record? Appetite for destruction - Guns N' Roses. Favourite book? Dandy in the Underworld. I express in prose of incomparable grandeur thought of an unparalleled brilliance. Favourite film? Any film, even the worst, is better than real life. Favourite author? Am I the best author of my time? I'd say I was in the top one. Favourite actor / actress? None. An actor is a man who tries to be everything but himself. A ghost looking for a body to inhabit. Favourite musician? Marc Bolan. He had one foot in heaven, the other in Woolworth's. Most embarrassing moment of your life? Being born. Favourite food/drink/stimulant? I like to be woken every morning with stimulants in order that I may drift through the day on sedatives. TV programme? None. Television is an idiot lantern. Don’t you wish there was a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence? There’s one called “Brightness” but it doesn’t work. Favourite TV personality? TV personality is an oxymoron. Like the witty woman or the happy Horsley. God forgive us for putting two such words together. Favourite item of clothing? At the moment I am swanning sexily around in a haze of self-adoration and a shimmering red sequin suit. Most desirable date? The advantage of poor vision is that you can date anybody. Favourite method of relaxation? I like to go off to the brothel to get a good housemaids wank. If you weren't pursuing your present career, what other career might you have chosen? I have never had a career - but I think I would do a splendid job as one of the handsomest men in the world. Biggest thrill? Collecting Gloriana. What’s that? My own press cuttings. Biggest disappointment? I have such a strong sense of the disappointingness of existence and the even more mortifying inadequacy of the illusions with which we distract ourselves. Your concept of Heaven? Hell. Hell is the red-light district of Heaven. Your concept of Hell? Heaven. Heaven is the bourgeois district of Hell What would be your dying words? "If this is dying, I don’t think much of it. For the amount of publicity its got its a bit of an anti-climax." Greatest ambition? To rest on my laurels, until they become wreaths. Period of history you'd most like to have lived in and why? The Regency. Whatever happened to the good old days when children worked in factories? If you weren't a human being which animal would you have chosen to be? Any animal that was delicious and fitted well. If you were told that the world was ending tomorrow morning, how would you react/what would you do? Celebrate. I eagerly await the end of the world as the ideal solution to all of its ills. Your nominee for the world's best-dressed person? Myself. I always dress well beyond the call of beauty. Favourite term of abuse? Showing off. It is the only sure bait when you angle for abuse. Biggest fear? None. When you're fallen you fear no fall. Humanity's most useful invention? Me. I am someone who could not have been invented if the whole world had sat up all night. Humanity's most useless invention? Me. I am intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a purpose.